My DREAM Hamptons Style Kitchen

The most common questions I get in the comments and my DM's on Instagram over the last few years are about the kitchen in our first home (Glam Hamptons), so I thought I'd write a whole blog post breaking down all of the details, from the stone we used, to the colour of the cabinets, the appliances and even the stone edge profile.When we were building that home, we truly thought it would be our...

Glam Hamptons: Our First Home

I still can't believe that we were incredibly lucky to be able to call this our first home! I say lucky, but Dunc and I worked our little butts off from the time we met (18 & 20), and we were able to build that beautiful home ourselves, not a cent from our parents/ family, just the two of us (and of course the bank too!). I think because we did it all by ourselves, we were extra grateful and...